Alta Logs #8: Status Update
Hi everyone, long time no blog! Cayde here, recovering and happy to be back on schedule once again. Thank you all, first off, for your patience while I was out recently— I am happy to report that things are going well, and I had no major complications with my procedure! That means I’m able to give a few updates now that will hopefully ease some concerns I’ve been seeing since my return.
I’ve been in touch with a lot of you, browsed many of the channels in Discord, and read your messages on social media— and I’ve taken note of some of the thoughts and feelings floating around. I’d like to reassure all of you first and foremost that we have not abandoned you! We’re here, we’re listening— and while I can’t give too much detail on some topics, I will do my best to catch everyone up on what I can!
First: Tower. We know it’s been taking some time to get things ready for Quest, but we want to make sure the features we launch for y’all from here on out are done right. There’s a lot to consider not only from a design perspective, but within almost every step from engineering to QA. Thankfully, I can say that Tower is progressing steadily through the pipeline, and we are nearing testing at this point! It’s hard to tell how much longer these last steps are going to take— but we’ve been putting in a lot of hard work to make this a reality as quickly as possible. Thank you all for your patience; we’ve learned a lot in this process and hopefully will continue to streamline our development as we move forward.
Next, let’s talk about some upcoming stuff. While many of you are established players, it’s been widely brought up that our Tutorial is… not ideal. We agree— and that’s why we’ve been working on a revised version, hopefully with clearer instructions and a more approachable entry point. For those who are already familiar with the mechanics, we’ve got our fingers in a new Social Tablet (now with a player muting option!), updating our programs to a newer version of Unity, a Ticketing system for bugs and other issues, and some BIG things that I can’t quite elaborate on yet!
This is our first big step towards combating toxic behavior in the game.
Once reported, the server owners will be alerted. The server owners or admins can act on these reports easily with the tablet or in the main menu.
In regards to those big things… Our Design team is hard at work on new ideas and developments for the future of ATT! I can’t give details on what these things are quite yet, but I can say that we aren’t going anywhere. Keep growing with us, keep pushing us, and keep an eye out for more!
Another small sidenote: Happy Pride! We have a diverse group at Alta, and it means a lot to me as a member of the LGBTQ+ community to see all of the support y’all have for us. Without the amazing team members and players within the LGBTQ+ community, this game wouldn’t be possible.
Finally, Thanks so much for taking the time to read and listen to me as well! It means a lot to all of us that y’all love this game as much as we do, and we see your passion. I’ll update again as soon as possible. Cheers!

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