Creating the Virtual You
Virtual Reality is hands down the most immersive experience a gamer can have, so it seems obvious to make an RPG, spending most of your time as the character you’ve created. This made us really want to focus on the character customisation experience, and make it something you can put a lot of your love into. Character creation is always my favourite part of playing RPGs, and having a huge variety of options is super important to get that perfect look that compliments my character.
Before you set off into the world full of strange creatures and other town dwellers it’s just you in a room with the character you want to be. There you’ll spend ages, trying on different noses, haircuts, beards, (my personal favourite section is full of different cool and wacky moustaches) in all kinds of different colours. All of the elements we let you customise with are different assets, so I’m really excited to keep creating new content as we continue developing the game. I personally like making either my own self portrait (seeing as Boramy made haircuts that mimicked mine in real life), or a Township hipster with the trendy haircut, curly moustache and luscious beard.

Who you are in A Township Tale is ultimately decided by you! Everything from what you’ll be doing for the town on a day to day basis, to how you’re interacting with others. Whether you’re a kind and generous farmer, or a solitary cold-hearted warrior, or just yourself, you have the freedom to express your character's role, background or personality to other players from first glance. Of course you also have the freedom to create completely wacky characters, or one that looks just like you in real life! Your character's overall look will also be heavily dependent on the clothes, dye and eventually armour you’ll find as you progress through the game. I’m really excited to see everyone fully decked out in all their sweet loot.
A Township Tale gives us the opportunity to have some really valuable experiences with other players, and having a huge variety of characters really solidifies those moments (being able to tell everyone apart helps so much, trust me). It makes the world that much more interesting and fun! We’ve provided the mere building blocks, and I can’t wait to see your creativity put it all together!