Release Micro-Tutorials
New Features:
Micro Tutorials
- A new feature, Micro Tutorials, has been introduced to provide concise and effective guidance to players. Currently, we have implemented a Forging Tutorial, which can be found outside the Blacksmith building next to the forge.

Our tutorial system is modular and extendable, so we will be able to add more in coming months. We'd greatly appreciate any suggestions from the community on what areas to create as tutorials next that will help provide proper guidance for new players.
Climbing Tower Guidance:
Signs in the town have been updated and new signs have been added for better navigation and clarity for the path to Climbing Tower.
Double-sided Town Signs:
Town signs are now double-sided for improved visibility and ease of navigation.
Default Settings Update:
The options for Seated Inventory & Toggle Names will now default to enabled for all new accounts. Previously, these options were disabled by default.
Invisible Skins Patch:
The following cosmetics are now required and can no longer be null:
- Body Type
- Ears
- Noses
- Eyes
- Eyebrows
- Eye-lashes
- Shirt
- Skirt
- Toolbelt
- Sash
- Skin
Skins with missing required categories will now automatically have default categories added to them for smoother customization experience.

Character Blinking:
Character blinking functionality has been restored and should now operate correctly.

Anti-griefing for Smelter:
Additional colliders have been implemented in the Smelter area to prevent items from becoming unreachable.
Fixed a certain duplication glitch
Server owners and players alike have reached out to us about a specific duplication glitch that we were able to patch with this update as well.
Night time ambience:
Bird sounds have been removed from the night time sounds.
We value your feedback! Share your thoughts on the latest update and suggest improvements on our Discord or the Feedback Forum post.
Hotfix 1:- Temporarily disabled micro-tutorials on new servers to provide time for the team to resolve the missing items issues.
Hotfix 2:
- Fixed invisible objects in caves
- Added legacy belts
- Fixed an issue where Quest players saves would get corrupted when logging off near the entrance to the forest
- Incomplete Campsites are no longer present just outside the Combat Trials entrances
- Fixed spelling on some signs that had misspellings
**Known Issues:**
- Blindfold cosmetic gets removed upon saving your avatar. - Micro-tutorials are still disabled as of Hotfix 2. We are working to push a build as soon as possible to resolve the issues.