Update - Unlimited Craftworks
Hey everyone, it's update time.
Today, I want to talk a bit about crafting, and crafting weapons in particular. For those of you who don't know, in A Township Tale you make weapons by attaching blades, axes, or hammers to handles. Some of these can have guards, and pommels, which as of the last update add durability to your handles. But as we watched you play, we found there was a bit of a 'trend' in what weapons were made.
Everything boiled down to a few particular weapons, and we also found that variations all somewhat looked the same. We made large axes, large swords, rapiers and sometimes big hammers. This, didn't in fact fit with what we originally wanted the crafting system to be. We wanted you to have even more FLEXIBILITY to make more and more custom builds. That's what this update was about, and we started off with a simple idea in mind.
Swords have guards, why can't axes too? So we came up with an attachment piece that matches that, but also opens up some new avenues. You can still attach an axe head to most of your basic handles, but now you can find one of these pieces, which will give your handle a bit of extra life, and if you find the right one, will also let you attach more axes to it. So there is no such thing as a double-sided axe, until you make it so.
The other part of this update, we also introduce a new type of attachment. This is where things get a bit controversial. You can now find what we call 'Edge Types', which essentially are attachments you can strap along the EDGE of your handles. This may be around your grip, or around the neck of a larger one. This lets you create some fairly outrageous looking weapons, we'll improve this over time as we see what you make. The main function for these, is your weapons a bit of a different edge. Hitting something close with a giant hammer may be tough, and nearly impossible, but if you spend the time getting some additions to your craft, you have an option for super close combat.
These two crafting parts of crafting, you need to understand, have added a ton of new possible builds. Joel wrote up a visualizer for all the different possible variants, and it would take hours to cycle through everything at a perceivable rate. Here's one of my personal favorites.

The third part of this update, is that you can now smelt the guards, pommels and crafting pieces. This means you can improve the overall durability of your builds with mythril if you want. We're not letting you smelt handles yet, we know how valuable metal handles are, but it's going to detract away from the chiseling process to acquire handles. We will be dealing with this a different way later.
And lastly, another major change is boulder hardness. This is quite a gamey element to the game, but is necessary for the sake of progression. Before this update, you could zip as fast as possible straight down the caves, use a flint to break mythril. It would take a while, but you could skip all the other metals if you were good and patient enough.
For the existing players reading this now, I know we've been nerfing your abilities a fair bit, unfortunately that's part of being a pre-alpha game. But, we are soon nearing the end of the nerfing era. (For now.)
If you would like to leave feedback on the patch hit us up on on DISCORD , or REDDIT . Also, here are the latest PATCH NOTES .