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Upcoming Update 0.1.5

by Jack
Upcoming Update 0.1.5

Hey All!

Our next release is coming on December 1st, and we will be rolling out a change that will affect all existing servers. So if you host a server, read this!

It is awesome that you all find different ways to play our game, but we noticed that for many players dropping their gear on death is a negative experience, and players may not know that this setting can be changed.

So, on December 1st, we will change all servers to retain your gear when you die. This will apply to all servers and all new servers going forward.

The old option will still be available if you run a server and like death drops. However, you will need to change the setting on your server after we roll out the update on the 1st of Dec.

To make the change

  1. First, jump into the TAVERN.
  2. Find your server and click on it.
  3. Click "Manage Server" near the top of the page.
  4. Enable the console and run the following command;
  5. settings set server DropAllOnDeath true

That should be it!

Dropping all your items when you die will be restored.

What’s that? You want more? Even after these delicious technical details?

Well then, I better give you some deets on the upcoming release!

We’ve got new climbing play zones, some fun seasonal quests in a pretty new holiday zone, usability improvements (for resource boxes, grab assist, quick access menu, hand-hover points and health & hunger UI), some new and improved visual and sound effects, a pretty new loading screen, as well as a bunch of bug fixes.

And PC peeps, we fixed valve/HTC input for the index and other hardware.

It’s gonna be rad.

Oh, and we made bags less yeetable too.

See you in-game,


Join the discussion at REDDIT or DISCORD.


Upcoming Update 0.1.5

by Jack
Upcoming Update 0.1.5

Hey All!

Our next release is coming on December 1st, and we will be rolling out a change that will affect all existing servers. So if you host a server, read this!

It is awesome that you all find different ways to play our game, but we noticed that for many players dropping their gear on death is a negative experience, and players may not know that this setting can be changed.

So, on December 1st, we will change all servers to retain your gear when you die. This will apply to all servers and all new servers going forward.

The old option will still be available if you run a server and like death drops. However, you will need to change the setting on your server after we roll out the update on the 1st of Dec.

To make the change

  1. First, jump into the TAVERN.
  2. Find your server and click on it.
  3. Click "Manage Server" near the top of the page.
  4. Enable the console and run the following command;
  5. settings set server DropAllOnDeath true

That should be it!

Dropping all your items when you die will be restored.

What’s that? You want more? Even after these delicious technical details?

Well then, I better give you some deets on the upcoming release!

We’ve got new climbing play zones, some fun seasonal quests in a pretty new holiday zone, usability improvements (for resource boxes, grab assist, quick access menu, hand-hover points and health & hunger UI), some new and improved visual and sound effects, a pretty new loading screen, as well as a bunch of bug fixes.

And PC peeps, we fixed valve/HTC input for the index and other hardware.

It’s gonna be rad.

Oh, and we made bags less yeetable too.

See you in-game,


Join the discussion at REDDIT or DISCORD.


Upcoming Update 0.1.5

by Jack
Upcoming Update 0.1.5

Hey All!

Our next release is coming on December 1st, and we will be rolling out a change that will affect all existing servers. So if you host a server, read this!

It is awesome that you all find different ways to play our game, but we noticed that for many players dropping their gear on death is a negative experience, and players may not know that this setting can be changed.

So, on December 1st, we will change all servers to retain your gear when you die. This will apply to all servers and all new servers going forward.

The old option will still be available if you run a server and like death drops. However, you will need to change the setting on your server after we roll out the update on the 1st of Dec.

To make the change

  1. First, jump into the TAVERN.
  2. Find your server and click on it.
  3. Click "Manage Server" near the top of the page.
  4. Enable the console and run the following command;
  5. settings set server DropAllOnDeath true

That should be it!

Dropping all your items when you die will be restored.

What’s that? You want more? Even after these delicious technical details?

Well then, I better give you some deets on the upcoming release!

We’ve got new climbing play zones, some fun seasonal quests in a pretty new holiday zone, usability improvements (for resource boxes, grab assist, quick access menu, hand-hover points and health & hunger UI), some new and improved visual and sound effects, a pretty new loading screen, as well as a bunch of bug fixes.

And PC peeps, we fixed valve/HTC input for the index and other hardware.

It’s gonna be rad.

Oh, and we made bags less yeetable too.

See you in-game,


Join the discussion at REDDIT or DISCORD.