What comes next?
Hello everybody!
Now that we’re officially releasing updates to the game, I wanted to give everybody some insight in how we decide what comes next. We’re learning a lot about the nuances of the game, the bugs and issues that need squashing thanks to you. But, there’s also the grander vision of the game at play, these are sometimes the juicy features that we’ve been teasing, but at other times they may be updates that are less predictable.
So here is some insight into our production and game design directions.
The game is all about the Township. That’s where as players we’ll be spending most of our time. We move around to see different people/professions, share in resources, stories and organize new ventures.
A Township Tale at a core, is objective-based, but we want you to decide what the next most valuable objective is, and making some commitments together about it.
For that to really happen, we have some features that help propagate this idea. Updates like the repair box, allow everybody to contribute towards fixes around the world and unlock new areas. Communal goals like this will become more frequent the further we go, and also vary in scale and effect. Right now, we decided that unlocking access was more important than cosmetic repairs.
Dungeons and obvious challenge areas are another aspect of the game where we want to band everyone together for. We have a solid design for these, but as an early-stage game, we’ve got some devils we need to fight. The riskier, crazy ideas we have take precedence in production. And currently that’s what some of the team is working on, so some of the aspects of the game we know everybody’s going to enjoy tremendously, like dungeons, get pushed back a bit.
Which brings to question, where do more creatures and enemies come in? They are fun to do, and take up a lot of time and tuning. To us this falls under the same category as dungeons, though you can expect these to come around much sooner than those.
Now in lieu of this, we are constantly working and analyzing technical improvements we can make to the game. So rest assured, that we’re looking deeply into any severe bugs everybody comes across. We do a lot of work on art things, performance, and world building things too, that is designed to make our work easier.
As far as professions go, we often like to think of it as the game demands what it needs next. This was true early on, when we had mining, thus blacksmithing, thus combat. With woodcutting being one of the latest features at this stage, you can imagine what’s being worked on.
For the time being, here’s a sneak teaser of something coming real soon!