Your First Hours in A Township Tale
When someone describes A Township Tale it can sound like a big bubble of fantasy content, and we’ve never really gotten into the nitty gritty of the game, what actually drives you in this open-world environment?

When you enter the game for the first time, you firstly get to create your character. It wouldn’t be an RPG game if you didn’t get to do that. But once you’re actually in the world, and the landscape unfolds before you, there is a moment of unknown as you travel and discover the town. If you’re entering an entirely new server, everything may seem desolate and serene. But if you join an existing server, you may find a busy and bustling town with other players. As you explore the town’s various buildings and try things out, you’ll find something that suits your fancy. Whether you find the farms first, and instantly know you want to grow crops, or if you see a blacksmith’s forge and want to do something with it.

The town is filled with these catalysts, that will send you on a journey through different parts of the game in search of specific crafting resources. Maybe your next destination is the mines, if you’re interested in smelting and forging you’ll need ores and coal. Perhaps the forest to collect seeds and other farming equipment might be your area of interest. But these environments have their own challenges and factors you need to think about, that may ask you to prepare yourself in a specific way. The caves for example, are dark and dangerous, so you need to find a way to make fire and arm yourself for this venture. You gather food to keep yourself healthy, you may quickly cook things to make them more effective, and you’ll find more ways to give yourself an advantage against the elements.

There’s also forests, mountains, valleys, dungeons and more. Each posing their own challenges that demand different things from you. You’ll find yourself exploring these various spans of the world in search of better gear, loot, and upgrades for your town that may enable your ability to go further.
A Township Tale is exactly that for us, discovering the possibilities of a fantasy world and having to live out the experience ourselves. There are so many things we can do with it, that we always have a new goal for the game. Even after launch, we will be fully supporting this game with content updates and technical improvements. We want to make it an all-encompassing experience, and we know that takes time. But, when there’s a game, there is a game, and that’s why we’re incredibly eager to get into your hands. I’m hungry to hear your thoughts on it, and listening to see what we can do to make it better.